Planning a future visit? Remember to check our opening times and upcoming closures.
Terms and conditions of admission and entry
These pages together with Our Privacy Policy set out all the terms and conditions upon which We provide entry to Canterbury Cathedral (“the Cathedral”) to you and to those accompanying you, including general admission, entry to ticketed concerts, exhibitions and other special events.
By accessing the grounds, buying a Canterbury Cathedral admission ticket, or using an alternate form of admission/concession (e.g. Cathedral Pass, Friends Card, Universal Credit Ticket), you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
1. Definitions
“Concert”, “Exhibition” and “Special Event” means any activity taking place in the Cathedral or in any other location in the Cathedral Precinct, including without limitation a concert, exhibition, or theatrical or musical performance, in respect of which We have the right to sell You Tickets.
An “E-ticket” contains a bar-code and is included in Your Order Confirmation. You must bring with You to the Cathedral either a printed copy of Your E-ticket or a mobile device on which Your E-ticket can be displayed, for it to be verified and scanned at the entrance to the Cathedral.
“Order Confirmation” is an email containing either Your E-ticket or Your Order Number.
Your “Order Number” is Your proof of purchase and is needed at the entrance to the Cathedral, where it will be verified and exchanged for a paper Ticket or Tickets.
“Promotional Offer Tickets” are Tickets that we offer from time to time at a discounted price, which are subject to certain conditions and are accessed using a given promotional code.
“The Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral” is the governing executive of the corporate body responsible for the care, management and administration, and Christian mission, ministry and witness, of Canterbury Cathedral on behalf of the Church of England. Your contract for all Tickets purchased through this website is with the Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral, of Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2EH.
“Ticket” / “Tickets” permit visitors to enter those parts of the Cathedral that are normally open to the public, subject to these Terms and Conditions.
The terms “Us”, “We” and “Our” refer to the Chapter Canterbury Cathedral and to all and any Chapter staff and duly authorised agents and contractors acting on its behalf.
The terms “You”, “Your” and “Yourself” refer to You and to any person or organisation who in Our reasonable opinion is acting with Your authority or permission.
“Sightseeing times” refers to the period when the Cathedral is open for paid ticketed admission. This is usually between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Saturday and 12:00-17:00 on Sundays. This is subject to change and the Cathedral retains the right to alter the sightseeing times as required.
2. Ticket Price
The price of admissions tickets may vary from time to time. Our prices are as stated on our website, but are liable to change at any time. When buying a ticket the total price will be confirmed.
All ticket prices are in UK pounds sterling and are inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate, in accordance with UK legislation. From time to time, we may decide at our discretion to issue tickets under special promotions. All such promotions will be offered subject to availability and subject to any terms and conditions that affect the promotion.
Kids go FREE every day; Children (aged 17 and under) go FREE when accompanied by a paying adult. (Max 2 children per paying adult; does not apply to group bookings or school visits). Children must be accompanied at all times.
Cathedral Passholders and Friends Cardholders receive free entry.
Other concessions are available, with a valid proof of eligibility. Find out more.
Group visits and school visits must be booked separately; KIDS go FREE offer does not apply to group or school visits.
3. Purchasing Tickets
It is your responsibility to ensure you have selected the correct ticket type(s) and the correct ticket date(s) prior to checkout. Should you wish to amend a ticket order, please contact our Visits Office on 01227 762862 (Office hours Monday – Friday).
Payment must be made in full at the time of buying a ticket either by credit card or debit card.
You can pay by Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit/Delta and Visa Electron secured by Worldpay. You undertake that all details that you provide for the purpose of purchasing tickets are correct and that the credit or debit card you are using is your own. If there are any changes to the details supplied by you it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible.
Upon purchase of a ticket from our website:
- You will receive an Order Confirmation email containing either Your E-ticket (if You selected that Ticket type) or Your Order Number as Your proof of purchase.
- Please check that You have received an email containing Your E-ticket or Your Order Number. We take no responsibility should You not receive this email due to reasons outside Our control e.g. junk mail settings or spam filtering.
- Either – a printed copy of Your E-ticket or a mobile device on which it can be displayed must be presented at the entrance to the Cathedral for it to be verified and scanned;
- Or – Your Order Number must be presented at the entrance to the Cathedral, where it will be verified and exchanged for a paper Ticket or Tickets.
It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of all details on your email confirmation as soon as you receive it, as it is not always possible to rectify mistakes later. when you receive Your email confirmation, please keep your order number or E-ticket in a safe place as We cannot be held responsible for your failure to present your order number or E-ticket, or for any misappropriation of it by a third party who makes use of it at the Cathedral prior to your arrival.
Only tickets purchased from us or from authorised parties are valid for entry to the Cathedral. Tickets purchased from any unauthorised third party, including online auction sites, are not valid for entry.
4. Gift Aid
Under UK Gift Aid legislation, our admission ticket price qualifies as a charitable donation on which we are able to claim Gift Aid from the government, reclaiming an extra 25p for every £1. As a result, for example, we receive an additional £4.50 on a £18.00 Cathedral Admission ticket, at no additional cost to you.
If you are a UK tax payer, and are ordering tickets for yourself or your family we encourage you to opt to Gift Aid your ticket purchase.
In order to Gift Aid your ticket, you must be a UK tax payer and must have paid an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax* in the Current Tax Year (6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025) that is at least equal to all to the Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations (to all charities or community Amateur Sports Clubs) in the year.
(* Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not apply)
5. Using Your Ticket
Visitor entry Tickets are 'multi-day tickets', valid for valid for 365 days from booking; enabling you to re-visit the Cathedral and Precincts as often as you like during that time at no extra cost.
If you are returning to the Cathedral and wish to re-use a visitor entry ticket that you purchased during the preceding 365 days, please bring your ticket, signed annual pass slip, and proof of identity. Where a concession is claimed, proof of identity and concession entitlement (for example of age or student status) may be required.
Visitor entry tickets are valid for entry to the Cathedral only during our normal daily opening times. They are not valid for evening admission or admission to separately ticketed events.
Tickets sold for evening admission or admission to separately ticketed events and activities are valid solely for the event and date and time stated on the Ticket, not for 365 days.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to and/or to close all or parts of the Cathedral at any time. Canterbury Cathedral is an exceptionally busy working cathedral. Services held in the Cathedral are of varying duration and may sometimes be arranged at short notice. Sightseeing visitor entry may have to be suspended in parts or the whole of the Cathedral during certain services.
Tickets are non-refundable, non-transferable and void if altered. Tickets that we reasonably suspect have been transferred or altered will not be honoured unless we, in our absolute discretion, choose to do so. Tickets must not be re-sold. Re-sale shall render the ticket(s) in question void. Tickets are non-refundable in the event that admission is refused or we require the ticket holder to leave the Cathedral for any reason referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
Tickets remain our property at all times. We reserve the right to require the immediate return of Tickets and to refuse entry to, or to eject from, the Cathedral any person who fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
If you purchase tickets on behalf of a Group, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions on behalf of every member of the group and you agree that you will ensure that these Terms and Conditions are complied with by each person in the group.
Ownership or possession of a ticket does not confer any rights (express, implied or otherwise) on you or on any third party to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any symbol, trademark, logo and/or intellectual property that may appear on or be referred to on the ticket.
6. Cathedral Pass
Purchase of a Cathedral Pass is subject to eligibility checks. Each application will be reviewed by our applications team and you will be sent confirmation of the pass once you have completed the application and these checks have been completed. If you are ineligible for a Cathedral Pass your application fee will be refunded in full within 28 working days.
The Cathedral Pass grants access to the Cathedral to only the named user during sightseeing times, and is subject to last minute closures and restrictions. Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral maintain the right to withdraw or make alterations to precincts and/or Cathedral access at any time.
The Cathedral Pass cannot be used by anyone who is not the named user of the pass and will be withheld at the point of entry if this is believed to be the case.
The Cathedral Pass is valid for 5 years from the date of application. After that time renewal notice will be given via email.
Use of the Cathedral Pass is subject to the same terms and conditions as general visiting as outlined below in Section 9. Conduct.
7. Children
Children aged under 16 must be accompanied by a person aged 16 or over at all times whilst in the Cathedral or in the Cathedral Precinct or in the immediate vicinity of the Cathedral. All children aged under 16 must remain under the control and supervision of a person aged 16 or over at all times. Chapter staff may ask for proof of age before permitting admission to the Cathedral.
8. Dog-friendly policy
Visitors can bring well-behaved dogs into the Cathedral building and grounds as part of their visit.
- Dogs must be on a short lead and kept under control at all times.
- Owners must clean up after their dogs. Dog bins are available.
- Dogs must not interfere with other visitors' experience of the Cathedral.
- Dogs are not able to accompany their owners on a guided tour or mini talk.
- Only assistance dogs are permitted at services.
- Dogs remain the sole responsibility of their owner, and the owner is liable for any injury, accident or damage caused by their dog.
- The Cathedral retains the right to refuse entry to visitors with a dog that we deem to be badly behaved or a potential risk.
Cathedral Lodge Lounge
Only assistance dogs are permitted in the Lounge - our on-site café - during the café opening hours (10am-4pm).
Other well-behaved dogs are allowed in the Refectory garden, when open to diners in the spring and summer months (weather permitting), during the café opening hours.
- Dogs must be on a short lead and kept under control at all times.
- Owners must clean up after their dogs. Dog bins are available.
- Dogs must not interfere with other visitors' experience in the Lounge café.
- Dogs remain the sole responsibility of their owner, and the owner is liable for any injury, accident or damage caused by their dog.
- Canterbury Cathedral Lodge retains the right to refuse entry to visitors with a dog that they deem to be badly behaved or a potential risk.
9. Health and Safety
Much of the present Cathedral was built hundreds of years ago. Whilst most of the parts of this ancient cathedral that are normally open to the public are easily accessible for all, the historic stone floor may be unpredictably uneven in places, entry to some parts is via stone steps or access ramps of varying gradients, and lighting levels may vary.
You are required to exercise due care and attention during your visit and to move around the Cathedral at all times with proper regard for your safety. We accept no liability for any personal injury or any damage to property caused by any fall, trip or by any other means except where this is proven to be the direct and foreseeable result of negligence by us or by Cathedral staff.
10. Your Conduct
Whilst You are visiting the Cathedral, You must comply with all directions of our staff, constables, and with all health and safety notices, policies and announcements that are made available to You.
Unacceptable behaviour and language (i.e. rude, swearing, aggressive, offensive and/or discriminatory) is not tolerated. If breached, people will be asked to leave or may be removed.
In the interests of safety, visitors may be asked to submit to a search of their person and/or belongings, and anyone refusing to submit or found to be in possession of materials believed by Canterbury Cathedral to be offensive, illegal, dangerous or unsuitable may be denied entry, have their items confiscated or be removed from the Cathedral.
Please respect Canterbury Cathedral as a place of Christian worship by switching your mobile phone and all personal messaging devices to silent mode and by not making or receiving any calls.
We reserve the right, acting reasonably at all times, to refuse admission to the Cathedral or to remove from the Cathedral without any right to any refund any person whose observed or reported behaviour may adversely affect the safety or well-being of others, or the quiet use or enjoyment of the Cathedral by others as a prayerful place of public worship, private devotion or Christian pilgrimage, or which may damage the structure or any contents of the Cathedral.
If any visitor in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions is a member of a group, then all individuals in such group may also, at the Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral’s sole discretion, be denied entry to or be escorted from the Cathedral without any right to any refund.
Groups must have an identifiable leader who is responsible and accountable for the group. Groups may be refused entry or asked to leave without any right to any refund if there are concerns over behaviour or repeated breaches of our commercial activity policy are identified (such as unauthorised guided tours).
No food or drink may be consumed inside the Cathedral.
No smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes) is permitted inside the Cathedral.
No use of roller skates, roller blades, roller-shoes, scooters, children’s sitting-on wheeled toys, toy weapons or throwing toys is permitted inside the Cathedral.
No balls games, drone use, protests, informal concerts or similar activity are permitted anywhere in the public areas of the Precincts or inside the Cathedral.
No filming or photography, other than for private personal use only, is permitted anywhere in the public areas of the Precincts or inside the Cathedral. No filming or photography is permitted in the Crypt (see also 12. Photography)
All conditions are at the discretion of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral.
11. Security
We reserve the right to conduct random bag searches upon entry to the Cathedral and its Precincts. No suitcases or large bags may be brought into the Cathedral.
We have no facilities for the storage of visitors’ personal property. Visitors are responsible for the security of their personal property and must keep it with them at all times. Unattended items will be removed by the Cathedral’s Constables. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever caused to any item of property belonging to any visitor to the Cathedral.
You must not bring into the Cathedral any weapon, firework, smoke bomb, glass bottle or other glass item or any other article which may cause personal injury or damage to property. Any person found to be in possession of any article deemed to be offensive or dangerous will be escorted forthwith from the Cathedral without any right to any refund and we reserve the right to make such reports of such incidents to such authorities as appear to us to be appropriate.
Unless we have expressly prohibited it, you are permitted to take photographs and recordings within the Cathedral and Precincts provided that these are solely for private use and are not sold or used for any commercial or public purpose. The use of tripods in public areas during normal opening hours is only permitted under the direct supervision of Cathedral staff, and the arrangements to ensure this will happen safely must be agreed by Us in advance of Your visit.
Commercial photography is not permitted inside the Cathedral or its Precincts without the prior written permission of the Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral. This includes the recording of any images and/or sound for commercial purposes and the uploading onto the Internet or any other online publishing of any material created or recorded inside the Cathedral and its Precincts. All commercial image-use rights in all images that are created inside Canterbury Cathedral and its Precincts remain the property of the Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral.
No photography or audio or video recording is permitted during any Cathedral service, any act of public worship or private devotion or any ticketed concert, exhibition or other special event.
No photography or video recording is permitted at any time in the Crypt.
From time to time we or third parties authorised by us may carry out photography and/or other recording in the Cathedral and Precincts and such images and/or recordings may feature visitors. You consent to the use of such images and/or recordings by us in connection with advertising promoting the Cathedral (such as on the Cathedral website, social media sites and pages, partner sites, outdoor advertising and other Cathedral publications and publicity materials) and for our internal purposes and, in doing so, you agree that we may edit, modify, publish and make available such images and/or recordings. You acknowledge and agree that you will not receive any compensation if we use such images and/or recordings for the purposes set out above.
If any visitor to the Cathedral or Precincts is under 18 years of age and you are the parent or legal guardian of that person, you also consent to the use of their image and/or recordings for the purposes set out above. You acknowledge that the copyright in all such images and/or recordings rests with us and/or the third parties authorised by us to create such images and/or recordings and accordingly you grant to us and/or to any third parties authorised by us all rights in any images and/or recordings of you and/or your child. You shall promptly execute such documents and perform such acts as may be required for the purposes of giving full effect to the foregoing.
By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that we may on demand have access to photographs taken and video and audio recordings made by you whilst inside the Cathedral and/or Precincts and that we may request that specific photographs and/or recordings are deleted if they are deemed to be offensive to or infringe the privacy of other visitors, worshippers, and/or our staff.
By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree not to intentionally photograph or create video footage of any individual without that person’s prior permission and that you will adhere to all photography and filming restrictions in place from time to time whilst in the Cathedral and/or Precincts.
For the personal safety and security of all visitors, staff and those who use the Cathedral and Precincts, CCTV is in operation inside the Cathedral, the Precincts and the surrounding area. Surveillance is monitored 24 hours per day and any video recording can be used as evidence in a court of law.
13. Our Liabilities
Our liability for any losses that you may suffer as a result of us breaching these Terms and Conditions is strictly limited to the purchase price of the ticket(s) that you purchased from us.
We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or that of our employees (if acting within the course of their employment), our agents or suppliers (if carrying out the work which they were contracted to do for us), or any matter for which it would be illegal for us to exclude, or attempt to exclude, our liability.
We will not be responsible in any circumstances for any losses in the following categories (which list is not exclusive and is cited here for illustration purposes only): loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of business opportunity, loss of profits or contracts, loss of data, waste of management or office time, loss of goodwill, disappointment or emotional distress.
All personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to your visit to the Cathedral and all costs associated with the same are arranged entirely at your own risk.
14. Our Commitment to Provide a Service
You are reminded that from time to time it may be necessary for us to close all or part of the Cathedral to sightseeing, sometimes with little or no notice. Canterbury Cathedral is an exceptionally busy working cathedral. Services held in the Cathedral are of varying duration and sightseeing visitor entry may have to be suspended in parts or the whole of the Cathedral during certain services. You are welcome to join us in worship. Entry to all Cathedral services is free of charge.
The Cathedral is the subject of ongoing major conservation and repair work, some of which is unplanned and has to be arranged at short notice when emergency repairs are required. This may result in one or more areas of the Cathedral that are normally open for public access having to be closed to the public, and possibly screened off or clad in scaffolding or similar.
Tickets will not be refunded and no compensation will be paid in the event of any such closure.
15. Commercial activity within the Cathedral Precincts
The Cathedral Precincts is private property and no commercial activity will be permitted inside the Cathedral grounds without the express written permission of the Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral. This includes, but is not limited to, group tours, vendors, buskers, food stalls, and commercial photography.
There may be times when the Cathedral Precincts are open to the public free of charge, while ticketed admission is still required to gain access to the Cathedral, during these periods, the rules regarding commercial activity within the Precincts will remain in place and will be enforced by the Cathedral Constables.
The Cathedral retains the right to remove from site any parties failing to comply with these restrictions.
16. Ticketing for Concerts, Exhibitions and Special Events (“Ticketed Activities”)
16.1 Changes to Published Programme
We reserve the right to make alterations to the published programme of Concerts, Exhibitions and Special Events as and when in our sole discretion we consider this to be appropriate.
16.2 Refunds and Exchanges
Except where we offer an applicable ticket exchange or resale facility, tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase unless the ticketed activity for which they were purchased is cancelled or rescheduled or where there is a material change to the ticketed activity, as further defined below. Where a ticketed activity is cancelled or rescheduled due to circumstances beyond our control, or where there is a material change to the ticketed activity, you will be entitled to claim a refund from us in accordance with this clause 13.2.
A ‘material’ change is a change which, in our reasonable opinion, makes the activity materially different to the activity that purchasers of tickets for it, taken generally, could reasonably expect. The use of understudies in a theatrical or musical event shall not be a material change.
Where an outdoor ticketed activity commences but we are obliged to curtail it because of adverse weather, we shall not be liable to make any refund or pay any compensation.
Where a refund is sought you must bring this to our attention as soon as possible on becoming aware of such cancellation or material change or, where the ticketed activity has been rescheduled, prior to the rescheduled date. The refund will equal the face value price paid. In order to claim a refund, write to our Box Office at 11 the Precincts, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2EH, enclosing Your complete unused tickets. Refunds will only be made to the person who purchased the tickets and, where possible, will be made using the same method as was used to purchase the tickets except, at our discretion, where payment was made by cash.
These Terms and Conditions are not intended to and do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights, please contact Citizens Advice ( or the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.
16.3 Liability
All personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to any ticketed activity and all costs associated with the same are arranged entirely at your own risk.
Liability for the cancellation or rescheduling of, or for material changes to, any ticketed activity will be limited to the refund as defined in clause 13.2 above.
16.4 Cancelled and Rescheduled Activities
It is your responsibility to ascertain whether a ticketed activity has been cancelled or rescheduled, and the new date and time assigned to any rescheduled activity. Where a ticketed activity is cancelled or rescheduled, We will use our reasonable endeavours to notify you using the details you provided us with when you purchased your ticket(s). We do not guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation before the date of the ticketed activity. It is your responsibility to inform us of any change to the postal address, telephone number or email address that you provided us with when you purchased your ticket(s).
16.5 Restrictions on the Purchase of Tickets
Tickets may be restricted to a maximum number per purchaser. Any such restriction shall be notified to you at the time you purchase your tickets. We reserve the right to cancel tickets purchased in excess of a permitted number without prior notice, unless the purchase of an excess was due to our error
Age restrictions may be applied to ticketed activities in our sole discretion and or to comply with licensing conditions imposed by a competent licensing authority. Any such restrictions shall be notified to you at the time you purchase your tickets. We reserve the right to refuse admission, without any right to any refund, to any person seeking entry to a ticketed activity for which an age restriction applies if documented proof of age that we in our sole discretion consider to be satisfactory is not produced to our staff at the entrance to the Cathedral.
16.6 Restrictions and Prohibitions during Activities
The use of equipment for recording or transmitting (by digital or any other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data during any ticketed activity is strictly forbidden. Unauthorised recordings, films or similar items may be confiscated and destroyed. Any recording made of any ticketed activity in breach of these Terms and Conditions shall belong to Us. We will not be liable for any loss, theft or damage to any such confiscated items.
By attending a ticketed activity, you consent to filming and sound recording of yourself as a member of the audience, and we may use such films and recordings for professional and commercial use without payment to you.
You shall not bring to any ticketed activity or display or distribute at the activity (whether free of charge or in return for payment) any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.
Mobile telephones and messaging devices must be switched off during the ticketed activity.
Alcohol may only be consumed during a ticketed activity if we provide a designated area that We have set aside and clearly marked for ticketholders to use for that specific purpose.
We will make every effort to admit latecomers to ticketed activities at a suitable point in the activity, which may be during an interval, but late admission cannot be guaranteed.
You may only leave and later return to an activity while it is in progress at our sole discretion.
You must not obstruct gangways, access-ways, exits, entrances or staircases, or congregate in non-designated areas or seek entry to locations or seats for which you do not hold a ticket.
16.7 Health and Safety
If you have requirements or concerns about any special effects which may be featured at a ticketed activity, you must notify us of such matters when you purchase your ticket. Special effects may include, without limitation, sound, audio-visual, pyrotechnic or lighting effects.
17. Events Outside Our Control
Subject to applicable law, We shall have no liability to you if we are prevented from or delayed in performing our obligations under these Terms and Conditions or under any other contract by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our control, including (but not limited to) strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving our employees or those of any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, severe adverse weather, war, riot, civil commotion, acts of terrorism, malicious damage, theft of essential equipment, third party injunction, compliance with any law or government order, regulation or security directive or instruction issued by the emergency or security services, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, explosion, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors.
18. How We Use Your Personal Information
We only use your personal information in accordance with our privacy notice. Please take the time to read our Privacy Notice, as it contains important terms which apply to you. When you purchase a ticket or tickets on-line, we may use the data that you give us about yourself to send you other information and updates about your visit in addition to your ticket (for example, how to find us, or information on partial closures). If you also consent to receive further communications from us, we may use your contact details to send you details of promotions that we think may interest you or to invite you to participate in market research. We may provide links on our website to the websites of other organisations, whether affiliated to us or not. We cannot and do not give any undertaking that products you purchase from third parties through our website, or from organisations to whose website We provide a link on our site, will be of satisfactory quality, and any such warranties are disclaimed by us absolutely. This disclaimer does not affect your statutory rights against the third party seller.
19. Variation
We reserve the right to revise and amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time by notifying you or placing updated Terms and Conditions on the website. You will be subject to the Terms and Conditions in force at the time(s) when you purchased your ticket(s). You may wish to print a copy of these Terms and Conditions with a date-stamp for future reference.
20. Assignment
We shall be entitled to assign any of our rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions without notice to you provided that your rights are not adversely affected.
21. No Partnership, Joint Venture or Agency
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions and no action taken by you or by us under these Terms and Conditions shall create, or shall be deemed to create, any partnership, joint venture or to establish any relationship of principal and agent or any other relationship between you and us beyond the relationship created under these Terms and Conditions.
22. Waiver
If we fail, at any time, to insist upon the strict performance of any of your obligations under any of these Terms and Conditions, or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled, this shall not constitute a waiver in whole or in part of any such rights or remedies and this shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations.
23. Severability
If any of these Terms and Conditions is determined by any competent authority to be invalid, be severed from the remaining Terms and Conditions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.
24. Third Party Rights
A person or organisation who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
25. Entire Agreement
These Terms and Conditions, Our Website Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy and any other document referred to in them constitutes the whole agreement between Us and supersedes all previous discussions, correspondence, negotiations, arrangements, understandings and agreements between Us relating to the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions.
You acknowledge that, in agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, You do not rely on any representation or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these Terms and Conditions. Nothing in this clause excludes liability for any fraudulent act.
26. Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with English law. Any dispute arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
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