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Worshipping Community Roll Application Form
Telling us you are one of our Community
Anyone over the age of 16 who regularly worships in the Cathedral or who is involved in the work or activities of the Cathedral on a regular basis and who wishes to identify themself as a member of the Canterbury Cathedral family is encouraged to register on our Community Roll.
The Cathedral Community is vibrant, diverse and open, seeking to live in tune with heaven and in touch with daily life, reflecting the inclusivity, complexity and richness of the life of a cathedral which welcomes people of all faiths and none to attend and, if they wish, participate in communal worship or to find a space for reflection, meditation or prayer.
Worshippers, supporters, volunteers and staff all have distinct but vital gifts and roles to play - and we are keen to know who you are and how we can stay in touch with you.
Registration on the Community Roll allows you to opt-in to receiving particular communications (such as news and events information), and to hear about ways of becoming even more involved.
How to join the Community Roll
Simply complete the Application Form below and make one of the declarations of eligibility.
Please note that joining the Cathedral’s roll does not mean you cannot also be on the roll of a parish; a number of those who participate in the life of the Cathedral also regularly worship in a parish church.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: [email protected]
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